
Chromium manifest v3

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi again,

I hope you are aware that Google Chrome and Chromium is moving towards manifest version 3 in 2024.

I'm wondering is this extension compatible or already in manifest v3? From what I've read unless an extension is using deprecated manifest v2 features this kind of extension should still be possible,

Anyway, nothing more to add.

Hello! Thanks for making the issue.

I'm aware, and as I understand it, this extension should be compatible with manifest v3. I've just been too lazy to do the migration so far. Chrome has kept delaying the timeline. I believe they were planning to stop supporting MV2 by the beginning of 2023 at one point.

I wouldn't be surprised if they delay it once more due to peer pressure. It's good that it's going to work in MV3. All of my Edge (Chromium) extensions have already been ported to V3.

I'll close it now since that's all I wanted to ask, thanks again.

I believe this issue should be re-opened because MV3 is coming at least in June/July