Scrollable boxes (really a box inside a scrollable canvas)
cpitris opened this issue · 0 comments
cpitris commented
Excellent job with guizero! I love it! I have one suggestion that I think people might find very useful: scrollable boxes!
In tkinter you can scroll a frame if you place it inside a scrollable canvas. With some help from Youtube, I got so far:
MyScroll=tkinter.Scrollbar(, orient=tkinter.VERTICAL, command=MyCanvas.yview)
MyWindow.add_tk_widget(MyScroll, align="right", height="fill")
MyWindow.add_tk_widget(MyCanvas, width="fill", height="fill")
MyCanvas.bind("", lambda e: MyCanvas.configure(scrollregion = MyCanvas.bbox("all")))
But now I am not sure how to add a Guizero box in it!