
Window.getComputedStyle must be an instance of Element on iOS 11.3

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am getting the following error with our application when running iOS 11.3;

getComputedStyle@[native code]

message: Argument 1 ('element') to Window.getComputedStyle must be an instance of Element

Is there a fix for this? We are running iNoBounce version 0.1.6

lazd commented

Hmm, I'd have to see some sample code that reproduces the issue. What element is it throwing on? There is a tree traversal that is supposed to stop at the <body> or document:

lazd commented

Also, are you only seeing this error in iOS 11.3? Have you tried iNoBounce demos in iOS 11.3 and reproduced the issue?

I'm getting this same issue on iOS 12 beta 5. Only happens when the page initially loads, and only sometimes.

"Type Error: Argument 1 ('element') to Window.getComputedStyle must be an instance of Element" on line 28

lazd commented

Not seeing this on iOS 12.2 with the demo pages here, closing this.