
A Paper List for Personalized, Emotional, and stylized Dialog

A Paper List for Controlled Dialog: Personalized, Emotional, and Stylized Dialog

Keyword: personal, persona, style, emotional, sentiment, dialog, conversation, chatbot, generation, Seq2Seq, retrieval, matching

Personalized Dialog

  • A Persona-Based Neural Conversation Model, ACL-2016, [paper]
  • Exploring Personalized Neural Conversational Models, IJCAI-2017, [paper]
  • Personalized Response Generation via Domain adaptation, SIGIR-2017 short paper, [paper]
  • Investigating Deep Reinforcement Learning Techniques in Personalized Dialogue Generation, SIAM-2018, [paper]
  • Personalized response generation by Dual-learning based domain adaptation, Neural Networks 2018, [paper]
  • Personalizing a Dialogue System with Transfer Reinforcement Learning, AAAI-2018, [paper]
  • Personalizing Dialogue Agents: I have a dog, do you have pets too? ACL-2018, [paper]
  • Assigning Personality/Profile to a Chatting Machine for Coherent Conversation Generation, IJCAI-2018, [paper]
  • Personalized Dialogue Generation with Diversified Traits, Arxiv, [paper]

Emotional Dialog

  • Emotional Chatting Machine: Emotional Conversation Generation with Internal and External Memory, AAAI-2018, [paper]
  • Building Emotional Conversation Systems Using Multi-task Seq2Seq Learning, NLPCC-2017, [paper]
  • Babbling - The HIT-SCIR System for Emotional Conversation Generation, NLPCC-2017, [paper]
  • Emotional Human Machine Conversation Generation Based on SeqGAN, ACIIAsia-2018, [paper]
  • A Syntactically Constrained Bidirectional-Asynchronous Approach for Emotional Conversation Generation, EMNLP-2018, [paper]
  • Creating an Emotion Responsive Dialogue System, UWSpace-2018, [paper]
  • Emotional Human-Machine Conversation Generation Based on Long Short-Term Memory, Cognitive Computation, 2018, [paper]
  • Affective Neural Response Generation, ECIR-2018, [paper]
  • Automatic Dialogue Generation with Expressed Emotions, NAACL-2018, [paper]
  • An Adversarial Approach to High-Quality, Sentiment-Controlled Neural Dialogue Generation, DEEP-DIAL 2019, [paper]

Stylized Dialog

  • Polite Dialogue Generation Without Parallel Data, TACL-2018, [paper]

Task-oriented Dialog

  • User Modeling for Task Oriented Dialogues, SLT-2018, [paper]
  • Learning Personalized End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog, AAAI-2019, [paper]


  • Automatic Evaluation of Neural Personality-based Chatbots, INLG-2018, [paper]


  • Generating Informative Responses with Controlled Sentence Function, ACL-2018, [paper]
  • MOJITALK: Generating Emotional Responses at Scale, ACL-2018, [paper]


By Zhenxin Fu (fuzhenxin95@gmail.com) from Peking University.
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