
grc: Generic Colouriser

Closed this issue · 2 comments

grc (README):

Generic Colouriser is yet another colouriser (written in python) for beautifying your logfiles or output of commands.

  • In Python 2 and 3
  • GPLv2

Noted @ 2014-06-22T01:13:34Z, suggested by @denilsonsa via YouTube comment on acoc.

Recorded on 2014-06-29:


Oh, dear.
Didn't found it when looking for an arbitrary thing to make output
I only saw acoc and went as far as start to maintain it.

P.S.: Both creators use "colour" instead of "color", nice coincidence

@alexdantas I hope you ain't feeling something bad, because you are doing good. acoc in Ruby, grc in Python, I don't really see any issues here except I need to try grc out as soon as I can.

Didn't realise that or should have realized?