
Channel trailer and banner (channel art) using DRAWILLE

livibetter opened this issue · 0 comments

Back @ 2014-02-23T00:09:55Z, the idea of having a channel trailer came to me upon closing in to 100 subscribers, but it took four more month to reach 100 on 2014-06-18, way late for my hoping.

Nevertheless, as of opening this issue, it's now 108. When that happened, I didn't feel well, so I just posted a comment. Now, at rate of 1 sub/day, I felt it's time to make some change and that's why I moved the YouTube About from my blog to this newly created repository.

Anyway, it's time to create a trailer since I now use this READYT, which is more suitable than my name when creating a trailer.

My idea for this trailer would be using DRAWILLE (YouTube), I should also post a bulletin when I upload the trailer as announcement and a belated official 100 sub post.

The code will be stored in this repository.

Trailer in GIF, on YouTube:


Banner (channel art):
