
Bug: circular setting is ignored when reevaluate is set

nrsimha opened this issue · 6 comments

When both circular and reevaluate is set, circular is being ignored.

Here is a fix: #3 (Use circular setting when reevaluate is set.)

I've not been touch the code for long time, so could you point out what exactly the bug is and the expected result using the demo page, if possible, which should be j/k keys (both settings are true).

I can see if I have circular off and reevaluate on, it's still being circular, is that the bug? If so, you fix doesn't seem to fix it.

I removed .min.js file from pull request.

Yes, bug is that when circular: false and reevaluate: true it still behaves like circular.

I tried in demo by adding circular: false setting on line 40: $.jknav.init({name: 'h2h3', circular: false, reevaluate: true});And everything works nicely.

Make sure circular: false is set as defaults are circular: true.

May I updated it in demo file?

I forgot the patch is on branch, my bad.

Yes, you can go ahead update the demo, but by adding an extra pair of keys for that settings pick one you think make senses, don't override the j/k and make sure you also add the key pair to the div on top/right.

Stack the commit on #3, I will squash them.

Added it to the demo (keys: n, m).

Thanks for all your work!