
Repo for managing clicks challengue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Solution Alvaro Perez Garcia

Test Assessment

Have made use of node, npm and javascript while creating this solution.


Given an array of clicks, return the subset of clicks where:

  1. For each IP within each one hour period, only the most expensive click is placed into the result set.
  2. If more than one click from the same IP ties for the most expensive click in a one hour period, only place the earliest click into the result set.
  3. If there are more than 10 clicks for an IP in the overall array of clicks, do not include any of those clicks in the result set. The result set should be stored in an array of hashes. Each hash should represent a click.

The result set should be stored in an array of objects. Each object should represent a click. The expected result set should be a subset of the original array.


  1. A click is the composite of an IP address, a timestamp, and a click amount.
  2. Duplicate clicks are clicks that have the same IP address, regardless of timestamp or click amount.
  3. Click periods are defined as the one hour spans that start at the top of the hour. So, in one day, there are 24 periods and they are broken down as follows (in HH:MM:SS format): 00:00:00 00:59:59 (period 1) 01:00:00 01:59:59 (period 2) 02:00:00 02:59:59 (period 3) ... 22:00:00 22:59:59 (period 23) 23:00:00 23:59:59 (period 24)


Please make sure that NODE is installed on the device where this code needs to be run. NPM will be used to run any command from shell/terminal to run the code.

Test Cases

Mocha is used for writing test in this. Test cases are written only on basic level for now.

List of Files Used

  1. index.js - The main file that will execute the code and call the required functions with the actual data (json data).
  2. computeData.js - Main logic function, that accets the clicks_object array and return the resulted array.
  3. saveFileToJSON.js - Saves the array recieved as argument to the JSON file.
  4. test.js - Executes test cases.
  5. test_inputs.js - Holds the Test file's input and output data.
  6. resultset.json - Stores the final output.

Installation Process

First, unzip the folder and open the terminal on the extracted folder. Second, use the package manager 'npm' to install all the required packages, using command npm i or npm install in the terminal.

Running the code

Command to run the solution: npm run solution

Command to run the test cases: npm run test