
Vestel EVC04 - Reconnect every 25s

pvillmann opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
Hi, i have connected my Vestel EVC04 mit Firmware v3.166.0 (newest) via OCPP to the custom Integration in HA.
Vestel configuration and Config of Integration is completly default.

My Problem is, the connection drops every 25s and all entity are set to "not available". After additional 25s the connection is established again. (Reconnect counter increase every time by 1)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Install OCPP integration in default way
Active OCPP on Vestel WebUI and set server to ws://ha-ip:9000/

The Homeassistant Logs in debug mode shows:


in Vestel Log i the only:
13.09.2024-11:32:41 [INFO] CLIENT: Client RX: [4,"7cfd7ec2-6340-4994-b797-bf5f9851b5d2","InternalError","An unexpected error occurred.",{}]13.09.2024-11:32:41 [INFO] response waiting :1...

Notifications from HomeAssistant:


looks like it is a problem with your Python pip package

based on the reuqirments.txt you need ocpp==1.0.0

The error comes from the underlying ocpp package. You can raise the issue here

Hi, I have the same issue with a SCAME Parre Wallbox.

mobilityhouse/ocpp#661 (comment)

Can someone support here what's the best way to get python debug log in homeassistant for ocpp package?
I'm no HA developer :(

As described in mobilityhouse/ocpp#661 is not a ocpp package problem.

You need to add some checks before calling float(value)
This is server side, so in "lbbrhzn/ocpp".