
compile time

lcnr opened this issue · 5 comments

lcnr commented

While incremental builds are fairly fast, a fresh cargo build requires 2m51 on my setup.

cargo build --release takes 7m44

It should be possible to reduce this by cleaning up the used dependencies

How long does it take with:

opt-level = 2

lcnr commented

cargo clean; time cargo build

Haven't tried it myself yet

Seems its not faster (I had read about it on it might be a crate size thing?

[cargo clean; time cargo build]
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 52.73s

real 0m52.747s
user 1m53.188s
sys 0m8.233s

[cargo clean; time cargo build --release]
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1m 34s

real 1m34.294s
user 4m30.721s
sys 0m8.487s

[cargo clean; time cargo build] #opt-level=2
Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 48s

real 1m48.116s
user 5m30.516s
sys 0m9.793s

lcnr commented

its actually slower 😱 That's interesting 🤔

It might be a one of thing, but 12 whole seconds tells me its either equally as fast or slower