
Extract documentation from

lcobucci opened this issue ยท 7 comments

In order to improve the readability of the documentation let's split it into multiple files under doc folder.

  • Provide some introduction about claims
  • Provide some examples on what goes on server and client sides

What would help, I think, is to separate the documentation into what needs to be done on the client side and what needs to be done on the server side. At the moment I'm trying to write a REST API client and server and it's not clear at first what needs to be done on the client and what needs to be done on the server.


That's a good idea @delatbabel, can you send a PR with your experience and we may improve it together?

Will do. I'm in the middle of some other major work at the moment but I'll get onto it in the next couple of weeks.

No problem @delatbabel ๐Ÿ˜„ thanks!

Documentation added in #326