
Gridlock related to strange car to bus stop interaction

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Hello everyone!
The network congestion is irrealistic and vehicles can't move at all.

Sumo versions:
I tried running MoST for different versions of Sumo (based on the issues and commits): 1.9.2/0.26.0/1.19.0/1.14.1

I am having the same issue as previous issues available on LuST and MoST repos. The versions changed the intensity of it, but irrealistic scenarios were always created. I know the data is synthetic but one of the versions should work well with the synthetic data and produce realistic behavior (based on my understanding). When having a deeper look, I realized that huge queues are created by vehicles stopping next to a bus stop:


A wider view would be:


The vehicles will later disappear suddenly.

How to help?

It would be great if someone could provide me a Sumo version that wouldn't create this issue.
Traci changed after Sumo 1.0 so optimally the working version would be >1.0 and would recreate the peak hours and off-peak hours shown in the papers. Thank you in advance!!