
util.quake: how to toggle Alacritty when class_id is not set

lpanebr opened this issue · 3 comments

I have two quake definitions and corresponding bindings:

  awful.key({ modkey, }, "v", function () qvolume:toggle() end),
  awful.key({ modkey }, "t", function () qtext:toggle() end),


  1. The spad_volume works perfectly toggling
  2. The TextScratchpad opens but instead of closing it opens other instances.


local qvolume = lain.util.quake(
    app = "alacritty",
    name = "spad_volume",
    argname = "-t volume",
    extra = "-o font.size=10 -e pulsemixer",
    followtag = true,
local qtext = lain.util.quake(
    app = "alacritty",
    name = "TextScratchpad",
    argname = "-t TextScratchpad",
    extra = "--working-directory /tmp/ -o font.size=8 -e nvim /tmp/tmp.txt",
    followtag = true,

What am I missing?


 > awesome -v
awesome v4.3 (Too long)
 • Compiled against Lua 5.3.3 (running with Lua 5.3)
 • D-Bus support: ✔
 • execinfo support: ✔
 • xcb-randr version: 1.6
 • LGI version: 0.9.2

> lua -v
zsh: permission denied: lua

It could be the "permission denied" but everything else works...

lcpz commented

In the second case, Alacritty is ignoring your name. You can solve it like this:

local qtext = lain.util.quake {
    app       = "alacritty",
    name      = "TextScratchpad",
    argname   = "-t TextScratchpad",
    extra     = "--class TextScratchpad --working-directory /tmp/ -o font.size=8 -e nvim /tmp/tmp.txt",
    followtag = true

A less verbose variant:

local qtext = lain.util.quake {
    app       = "alacritty",
    name      = "Alacritty",
    argname   = "",
    extra     = "-o font.size=8 -e nvim /tmp/tmp.txt",
    followtag = true

EDIT: Added a note to the wiki.

Hello. I've just updated my system and now the client is opening a new instance instead of toggling it.
Very few apps were updated, but alacritty is among them.

> sudo nala history info 2
  Package:                          Old Version:          New Version:                         Size:
  alacritty                         0.10.1+1-20220721T02  0.10.1+1-20220814T02                1.8 MB
                                    0155~focal-ed4614d0   0338~focal-5549e9eb
  brave-browser                     1.41.100              1.42.88                           100.3 MB
  code                              1.69.2-1658162013     1.70.1-1660113095                  85.2 MB                     1.6.6-1               1.6.7-1                            28.1 MB
  gh                                2.14.2                2.14.4                              8.1 MB
  gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-4.0      2.36.4-0ubuntu0.20.0  2.36.6-0ubuntu0.20.0                 29 KB
                                    4.1                   4.1
  gir1.2-webkit2-4.0                2.36.4-0ubuntu0.20.0  2.36.6-0ubuntu0.20.0                 80 KB
                                    4.1                   4.1
  google-chrome-stable              103.0.5060.134-1      104.0.5112.79-1                    89.6 MB
  libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0     1.16.2-2.1ubuntu1     1.16.3-0ubuntu1                     325 KB
  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18       2.36.4-0ubuntu0.20.0  2.36.6-0ubuntu0.20.0                6.2 MB
                                    4.1                   4.1
  libnetplan0                       0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04  0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04                 82 KB
                                    .1                    .2
  libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37              2.36.4-0ubuntu0.20.0  2.36.6-0ubuntu0.20.0               15.2 MB
                                    4.1                   4.1
  linux-firmware                    1.187.32              1.187.33                          124.9 MB
  nala-legacy                       0.10.0                0.11.0                             12.1 MB                        0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04  0.104-0ubuntu2~20.04                 88 KB
                                    .1                    .2


To try debugging I've left only this definition and tried changing things but nothing works:

local qVolume = lain.util.quake {
    app = "alacritty",
    name = "Volume",
    argname = "-t Volume",
    extra = "--class Volume -o font.size=10 -e pulsemixer",
    height = 0.3,

What could it be? How may I debug this?