
Dutch language

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I'm using pdfTex as compiler and I have difficulties setting the Dutch language for the summary in Dutch.
Your soluting does not work for me, as I cannot set the Dutch language and its hypens.

Could you please indicate where I should make changes to allow 1 chapter in Dutch?



Without more info it's hard to say what's going wrong exactly... But IIRC, this relies on the following LaTeX packages: babel-dutch and hyphen-dutch.

Are you using TinyTeX as your LaTeX distribution? In that case, these packages should be installed automatically. But just in case, could you try running the following commands in R, and then try to render the template again?


If you're using another LaTeX distribution, you'll instead need to run the following commands in a terminal:

tlmgr install hyphen-dutch
tlmgr install babel-dutch