
Render copyright and/or title page only when book_size = TRUE

lcreteig opened this issue · 1 comments

These should only be in the final version of the thesis that goes to print (in the 1st version, you might not yet have your defence date, or know which printer you're gonna go with).

On second thought, I think it would be too much to leave out the pages from the pdf. Perhaps someone would once also want a single-sided A4 version of the thesis, and then it's missing these pages.

The simplest solution would be to leave it up to the user: they can always keep the standard content for these pages and discard them if they don't need them (yet). Because this is in the front matter, it doesn't really affect the rest of the thesis: only the page number shown on in the table of contents would be wrong (but that can quickly be edited by hand in the pdf).