
Comment behind site: bookdown::bookdown_site argument in YAML header breaks book rendering.

LDSamson opened this issue · 2 comments

A comment behind the argument site: bookdown::bookdown_site in the YAML header, as the one in your template, will break down the rendering of a book in bookdown version 0.22. In the next bookdown version it will be resolved, see here for more information: rstudio/bookdown#1194. In the meantime it might be better to remove the comment (or place it somewhere else).

Thanks again for your template!

cderv commented

Just a note that this breaks rendering only using the RStudio IDE button.

Using bookdown::render_book() always worked.

Anyway, we should make a new release including the fix during the summer.

This appears to have been fixed in {bookdown} v0.22.10