
Tensorboard not working

fabian57fabian opened this issue · 4 comments

I've installed all the packages in miniconda called "pytorch" and run all. It all worked until trying tensorboard:

I installed tensorboard with:
pip3 install tensorboardX
And then added --tb at the end of training line code but got a segmentation fault:
(pytorch) fabian_57@Gregor:~/python_libraries/pytorch-a2c-ppo$ python3 -m train --algo ppo --env MiniGrid-DoorKey-6x6-v0 --no-instr --no-mem --model DoorKey-6x6-ppo --save-interval 10 --tb Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Also when trying to view some results i got:
(pytorch) fabian_57@Gregor:~/python_libraries/pytorch-a2c-ppo$ tensorboard --logdir storage tensorboard: command not found
Even if with pip3 list i got tensorboardX as installed!

Do i really have to install tensorflow and then tensorboardX to make it work?


Honestly, I have no idea why you have this error...
When you find the solution, let me know and I will update the code accordingly.

Thank you for this issue,

I solved the problem!
TensorboardX uses tensorboard that requires tensorflow.
I currently have python 3.7 witch is not supported by tensorflow.
I created a new environment, installed python 3.6, installed tensorflow, tensorboard, tensorboardX and all needed packages and now it works.
Maybe you could insert a note in near tensorboardX info and say that it works only on python 3.6.

Fabian Greavu

Another thing that you should really do is import tensorboard lazily, or at least put a try catch around the import. That way people that don’t use tensor board never need to run into this.

Thank you for the solution!
And @maximecb , this is already the case!