
Running scripts.train on Windows 10

TheNeeloy opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,

I followed the instructions to install the dependencies for this project, and once I get to the step where I should run python3 -m scripts.train --algo ppo --env MiniGrid-DoorKey-5x5-v0 --model DoorKey --save-interval 10 --frames 80000 for example, the terminal enters a new line and no model is trained.

Here are the steps I took to get to this point:

  1. OS is Windows 10
  2. Created a new conda env with basic science packages at the start
  3. Installed latest version of pytorch
  4. Installed gym-minigrid from source
  5. Installed torch-ac from source
  6. Cloned rl-starter-files & ran pip3 install -r requirements.txt in root dir of repo
  7. Ran python3 -m scripts.train --algo ppo --env MiniGrid-DoorKey-5x5-v0 --model DoorKey --save-interval 10 --frames 80000 in root dir of repo, and saw no output

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Solved: I deleted the conda env and reinstalled from scratch making sure to use pip instead of pip3 for all installation commands as stated in this issue. I have a different problem now which I'll open a separate issue for.