
##Java-based implementation of Subversion module for OSLC adapters

###Instructions to install and run the oslc-adapter-subversion

Last updated by Axel Reichwein (axel.reichwein@koneksys.com) February 15, 2016

1. Clone oslc-adapter-subversion repository

  1. Open the Git Repositories View (Window -> Show View -> type “Git Repositories” in the search field)
  2. Click on the Clone Repository icon
  3. In the URI field, paste the following URL: https://github.com/ld4mbse/oslc-adapter-subversion.git
  4. The Host and Repository fields will autofill.
  5. Click Next, only select the master branch
  6. Click Next until Finish.

2. Import edu.gatech.mbsec.adapter.subversion project into Eclipse workspace and build project

  1. In the Git repositories view, right-click eedu.gatech.mbsec.adapter.subversion and select “Import Projects”. Click Next until Finish
  2. The edu.gatech.mbsec.adapter.subversion project is in the Eclipse workspace
  3. In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window → Show View → Project Explorer)
  4. Expand the edu.gatech.mbsec.adapter.subversion project
  5. Right click pom.xml -> Run As -> Maven clean
  6. Right click pom.xml -> Run As -> Maven install