Luis Ruiz-Santiago


Welcome to my portfolio page

This page will feature some of the work I have done using Python, Excel, and Tableau. For Tableau, don't forget to check my Tableau Public page!


  • Data Analytics Immersion Program at Thinkful
  • IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate
  • Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Rochester - River Campus
  • Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez


Photo by John McArthur on Unsplash

  • This is a dashboard developed to visualize sentiment analysis of tweets about 6 airlines and deployed to Heroku
  • Python libraries used: Pandas, Streamlit, Matplotlib, Plotly Express
  • Input: csv file with Tweets
  • Output: Sentiment of airlines
  • Repository can be found here


Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash

  • The goal of this project is to visualize the trends of 4 pollutants that are part of what the EPA calls criteria pollutants and determine if the US has complied with the standards that have been established by the EPA.
  • Python libraries used: Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scipy.Stats
  • Input: concentration levels by location for ground-level ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide along the Air Quality Index (AQI) for each
  • Output: Visualization of trends using lineplots and measure statistical significances

IMG Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

  • This project evaluated performance of account executives and developed models for a new sales commission structure for the new fiscal year
  • Three strategies were considered:
    • Assume the company is increasing the book of business, no increase in headcount, same compensation structure
    • Modify the compensation structure with the same target revenue (no BoB growth) and no increase in headcount
    • Increase headcount while keeping the same structure and book of business
  • A fourth strategy combines the first 3 to estimate the impact
  • The model showed that, individually, the first strategy provided the largest revenue growth by over $200 million. However, combining all three is expected to grow by over $400 million.
  • The project also includes an employee dashboard that allows to look up performance of any single account executive and a dashboard to evaluate the performance of executives by level

IMG Photo by Yulia Matvienko on Unsplash

  • This is my submission for Maven Analytics' Toys challenge and we we tasked with providing insight into possible expansion strategies for the company
  • My analysis showed the company has a lot of inventory at hand and identified three cities in Mexico that can be considered for opening new stores that are closer to high-volume areas and can also help distribute excess inventory
  • For a full description of the situation, make sure to check my LinkedIn post

IMG Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash

  • This was a project that analyzed stock daily returns for 6 major tech stocks and compare their performance to that of the S&P500
  • Parameter Beta was calculated using CAPM for each stock to determine volatility relative to the market