
PatchVoidMethod Fail in WPF Application

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Soo, i obfuscated my WPF App with Eazfuscator 2022.2.755 and it fails in PatchVoidMethod part.

I tried to use the first release one, and it kinda works, but the App doesnt open.


Found check method: 0x02000035
Patched check method!
Failed to patch!
Task completed in 0,2407635 seconds!

Im not using PE Verify.

Also im using .Net Framework 4.7.2

Edit 2:
I also tried 2022.2.751 and 2022.1.493

ldstr commented

Can you provide instructions to replicate this error?

Can you provide instructions to replicate this error?

I really idk if is smth in my computer, cuz i tried in console app and didn't work too.

Here is all the settings i used:

encrypt symbol names with password
type renaming pattern
string encryption
code control flow obfuscation
encrypt resources [compress]
encrypt serializable symbol names with password
apply to type *: apply to member * when method or constructor: virtualization

btw, ill test without any settings to see if is a problem in settings

I tested without any settings in console app and worked, but when i tested without any settings in WPF it fails in patch void method. I think your eaz trial remover don't have support for wpf or smth like that.

Also, when i use code control flow obfuscation in console app it fails in patchvoidmethod, without code control flow obfuscation it works

ldstr commented

Perhaps it's because you are using code control flow obfuscation. With regards to WPF, I'll look into that.

This should be fixed in the latest release.