
Projects for CIS 106 Introduction to Programming (in Python)

Primary LanguagePython


Leomar Durán

Projects for CIS 106 Introduction to Programming (in Python).


A project demonstrating assignments, user input, the float number parsing function, arithmetic, formatting and console output by calculating the total price including tax of a purchase.


A project demonstrating dual alternative decision structures by finding the day of the week given a day number.


A project demonstrating repetition structures, namely

  • a count-control loop to collect and process data about collecting bugs for 5 days,
  • a nested loop
    • a condition-control loop
      • specifically, an input validation loop to check the data input, and
  • calculating a running total of the bugs collected during a 5 day period.


A project demonstrating modularization by refactoring ../project1-sales-tax.


A project demonstrating text file input and exceptions, by numbering the lines in a given text file.


A project demonstrating lists by asking for the sales for each day of the week, storing them in a list, and calculating the total.


A project demonstrating looping through a string, comparing characters and string concatenation by accepting a name and returning the first, (middle), and last initials.


Menu that accepts a course by course number and displays the information about the course using various functions of a dictionary, len(), keys(), keying.


A program that demonstrates classes and objects by instantiating and mutating an object, then accessing its properties.


A program that demonstrates inheritance by managing a list of several employees.


A program that demonstrates recursion by printing the numbers [1, n].