
Projects relate to computer architecture.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Projects in Computer Architecture

by Leomar Durán

Hello World (in x86 Assembly) (in C)

Example program for printing a greeting. Included are the original in x86-64 Assembly and a C equivalent program.

Demonstration that compares all defines (db, dw, dd, dq, dt) and equate (equ) by showing the size in memory that each occupies.

Print increment programs

Stores 5 in a register, increments the value and prints the result. This implementation shows how to print a single digit by adding '0' to the result of the increment operation.

Stores a single digit read from standard input in a register, increments the value and prints the result.

Print increment from 5 (in x86 Assembly)

Stores 5 in a register, increments the value and prints the result. This implementation uses the DUTOA procedure (Decimal Unsigned integer to ASCII), modified from the DITOA (Decimal Integer to ASCII), that we implemented in x86 Calculator. As a result this program can handle a full 64-bit unsigned integer of up to 20 digits [0, 9,223,372,036,854,775,808] for input.

x86 Calculator (in x86 Assembly)

Addition calculator program. This calculator

  1. reads in user input,
  2. converts it from ASCII to an integer,
  3. performs the addition operation,
  4. converts the result from an integer to ASCII, and
  5. prints the resulting string.

This can be modified to perform other operations.