Messages node is empty
dimonzozo opened this issue · 5 comments
Added mongodb_logger to existing application based on Rails 3.2.6. Everything seems working fine but messages node is empty for each logged messaged. Do you have any ideas, why it could happen?
Hello, @dimonzozo. I don't understand what you mean by "messages node". Can you show me the screenshot or give detailed description?
Hi, @le0pard.
This is example of JSON stored in MongoDB
"_id" : ObjectId("4fe20a99d0156d24a400000f"),
"method" : "GET",
"action" : "show",
"controller" : "photo",
"path" : "/photo/334",
"url" : "",
"params" : { "action" : "show", "controller" : "photo", "id" : "334" },
"ip" : "",
"messages" : { },
"request_time" : ISODate("2012-06-20T17:38:33.364Z"),
"application_name" : "PhotoStorage",
"runtime" : 23
Messages node is empty, but I expected to see some details inside of it. I mean details that usually show up in log file, like:
Processing by PhotoController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"336"}
Rendered photo/_upload.html.erb (0.3ms)
Rendered photo/show.html.haml within layouts/application (4.6ms)
Rendered news/_sidebar.html.haml (0.2ms)
Or executed SQL queries as shown on this screenshot.
May be I'm wrong and this node suited for something else. Please correct me if it's so.
Also, I noticed that logs is not being written to log file anymore, regardless of disable_file_logging set to false
Oh, I understand. To see SQL or rendering info you need in "config/needed_enviroment.rb" set needed log level. To see all information about SQL, rendering and etc. you need set log level to debug. Here some info:
In production log level info, in development and test - debug.
Thanks for quick response.
I already have log_level set in my config/environments/production.rb to
config.log_level = :debug
But messages still not show up.
Please take a look at this code.
def initialize(options={})
path = options[:path] || File.join(Rails.root, "log/#{Rails.env}.log")
level = options[:level] || DEBUG
rescue => e
# should use a config block for this
Rails.env.production? ? (raise e) : (puts "MongodbLogger WARNING: Using BufferedLogger due to exception: " + e.message)
if disable_file_logging?
@level = level
@buffer = {}
@auto_flushing = 1
@guard =
super(path, level)
I think I guess why the problem could be.
is not being set unless disable_file_logging?