
How to use obs-cli-win

vineelavinnakota opened this issue · 0 comments

Issue 1 :
Also, in Linux i have installed the cli , OBS Studio ( version 27.1.3) .
i want to set my source ( CreateSource request) through cli
the syntax i found was CreateSource={"sourceName" : "anyname" , "sourceKind" : "monitor_Capture" , "sceneName" : "Scene" , "SourceSettings" : "" ,"setVisible" : "true"}
using this syntax i want to set sourceKind for Screen Capture
i was unable to find parameter value for sourceKind corresponding to ScreenCapture ( for eg : for DisplayCapture we have monitor_capture)
please suggest me what to do for my case
if that is not the syntax to CreateSource suggest me any other alternative i want screen capture
this issue is not specific to Linux but also in windows

suggest me what to do asap