
Map not showing on mobile. Do I need to register for an API?

yansusanto opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it a common occurrence that the map, while it display properly on desktop, doesn't show on mobile? I'm using the Stadia.AlidadeSmooth layer.


Are you using an API key registred to your domain as required by stadia api ?

everything should work seamlessly as long as you have an active plan for your domain.
ref https://docs.stadiamaps.com/raster/#displaying-a-map-leaflet

No, I'm not using an API. Do I need to? And if I need an API, why is it working fine with desktop without an API? Thanks for the response, @brunob

Do I need to?

Yes, as described in the stadia docs.

And if I need an API, why is it working fine with desktop without an API?

Because the stadia api seems to allow use on localhost or something like that.

No news, closing.