
JusticeMap tiles not working with E302

martinfleis opened this issue · 8 comments

JusticeMap tiles do not seem to be working right now and trying to fetch individual tiles manually raises Error 302, indicating some form of a change. This note from the website may be relevant

Sept 19, 2021. If you are using our API, please contact us. Otherwise, as I haven't heard from anyone who is - the API is going to be revised and the old version will break (We might replace justicemap-api.org with another domain). Also if you have been using our tile layers with javascript - this might stop working (though you can easily switch to the newer 2020 layers, and we'll continue to support the 2010 layers just with a different url that you'll need to update).

I assume that we are pointing to the 2010 layer now that has moved, so this shall be updated (not sure how, what is within the scope of this project, if both 2010 and 2020 shall be listed etc.)

Linked to #224

Could you contact Aaron et point him to this issue ?

I dropped him an email to get his suggestions.

Oops I forgot about this!

Hmm, we now have several different layers. For race, we've got 2010 and 2020 US Census.

For income, we've got the latest five year ACS with the 2010 Census boundaries, and the ACS with the 2020 census boundaries.

I put the 2020 data on a new server and never got a domain name for it (or I think for some reason the domain name didn't work):
2020 Race format

2020 Income format

2010 Income

2010 Race

Is that good or do you need more details?


It is a question which layers shall be included here, given the project is apparently growing.

Thx for the feedback, i think we can include all layers, but i would need the complete list to put that in a PR.

brunob commented

any news about a complete list of layers available ?

I don't think it exists anywhere as an easy list to copy and Aaron hasn't sent it over.

In any case, the original reason why I opened this issue has resolved in the meantime.