
when i select data from pg10, some column does't display

forkforlearn opened this issue · 2 comments

My table has three column

CREATE TABLE public.test_nextid
  id  serial,
  name character varying(255),
  desc character varying(255)

And i insert one recorder

inert into test_nextid (name) values("testname_1")

And i select all data from the table

        local sql = "select * from test_nextid"
        res,err = assert_error(db.query(sql))
        --res,err = db.select("* from test_nextid")

But there is no desc in result....
I want to see the "desc " column in the result,what should i do? thank u

"desc" is a reserved word in PostgreSQL, so you should name your column something else, like "dsc" or "description".

leafo commented

NULL is converted to nil in Lua, and nil values don't exist in a table so they aren't in there.


@Leorex that is not an issue, and you can use escape_identifier to use any string as a column name