
Add tag to 1.1.3

jconabree opened this issue · 5 comments


I tried installing through bower and only 1.1.2 is available (which has bugs). Can you please add a tag for 1.1.3 so bower can take the latest version?


Now that #218 is fixed, master version is up to 1.1.4 in the https://github.com/leafo/sticky-kit/blob/master/sticky-kit.coffee file, so we also need a tag for that version as well as 1.1.3. Our temporary workaround was to fork the script and create our own tagged release until this could get fixed.

Whoops, there is already an issue for 1.1.4: #223

when it will be possible to update 1.1.3 via bower?

Need that 1.1.3 tag too to update via bower.

Come on. Tagging releases with the correct tag is really not that much work. Everyone which is using NPM or Bower can not get your webplugin the standard way.

Nevertheless, to get the latest version use this:

"sticky-kit": "git+https://github.com/leafo/sticky-kit"

instead of this:

"sticky-kit": "^1.1.4",

sticky-kit.coffee points to version 1.1.4, package.json and the compiled js-files to 1.1.3 and the latest github tag to 1.1.2

@marcwieland95 Did not work for me.
Had to specify a branch:

"sticky-kit": "git+https://github.com/leafo/sticky-kit#master"

Can we add a TAG for 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 ?