
Can not scroll to bottom

Closed this issue · 2 comments

tatol commented

Hello! Help please with my problem. I have code example here link (it is only played on the big screen eg 1920*1080). I can not scroll to bottom, I am thrown back. If i enable spacer by default it is ok. But i do not need default spacer.
How can I solve this problem?

Hi tatol

This is a layout issue and not caused by the sticky plugin...
The "bug" is, that the sticky-header is around 600 pixel high, and as soon as it sticks to the top, the actual body is reduced by 600 pixel (this causes the sudden change in the scrollbar).

You can simply fix this via CSS: Make the header position:absolute and add top-margin: 650px to the parent container.

tatol commented

thanks, it helped me