
StickyKit does not work for me

MadsLundholm opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi guys,

Thanks for sharing this great kit.

I just ran into a problem.

On my site, casinochecking.com, I fail to make my sidebar sticky. I want to make the .casino-sidebar sticky inside .wrapper-casino-comparison. I guess the problem is that i load content with ajax, which increases the height of my sidebar which the script does not register. Any methods to get around this?

My simple JS-codeline:

Thanks in advance.

I solved the problem myself and wanted to share the solution.

I loaded my content with effects (opacity, visibility and transform) to give a smooth feeling. After a lot of wondering I finally found what caused the problem; sticky does not work if a element has any set transform settings such as "transform: translateY(0)", but if you change it to "transform: none" which is literary the same as "translateY(0)" it works like a charm.