
Future of this lib: Maintained fork / Call to maintainers / Alternatives ?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

an issue to make an objective observation: this excellent and useful library is not maintained anymore, at all. 141 opened issues (six pages !) and last version 5 years ago now.

I'm clear: not any shame at all, truly! It's a very common thing in many many projects where the maintainer is an only one person: life makes that, you don't use it anymore, or opensource burn out, etc, etc. You can be really proud of what was already done!

But it's really time to talk frankly about the future. :)

I can see 3 possibilities:

  • there is already a maintained fork, and some other persons close issues and accept PR elsewhere: if then, say it loud
  • you @leafo could make an explicit "call to maintain", discuss with candidates, and give the rights on the repo to volonteers
  • maybe, there is already a great alternative, total different library, doing the same scope, taking in account modern CSS (flex, etc), with all same (scroll management when taller than screen, offset top, events, etc). In that case: where is this gem?!!

Let solve this use case of smart sticky (more than css sticky), dear community :)

Hey @rastapopougros! Do you have any news on this? So sad that StickyKit is no longer maintained.

@TimE90 no I still havn't found a smart replacement for this smart lib :(

What I find weird, is that for me it seemed a frequent use case… and I still don't find a recent and maintained lib for that…

Oh, I found this one, but not tested for the moment: https://github.com/oplaner4/jquery.smartSticky

Someone added this lib specifically for the use case of 2 columns with one taller, but it disappeared:

I've been using this library, which has many of the same features: https://github.com/vursen/FloatSidebar.js. So far so good.