`[computed_field]` 属性とは何か
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Seasawher commented
Name の定義に出現する:
inductive Name where
/-- The "anonymous" name. -/
| anonymous : Name
A string name. The name `Lean.Meta.run` is represented at
| str (pre : Name) (str : String)
A numerical name. This kind of name is used, for example, to create hierarchical names for
free variables and metavariables. The identifier `_uniq.231` is represented as
| num (pre : Name) (i : Nat)
/-- A hash function for names, which is stored inside the name itself as a
computed field. -/
@[computed_field] hash : Name → UInt64
| .anonymous => .ofNatCore 1723 (by decide)
| .str p s => mixHash p.hash s.hash
| .num p v => mixHash p.hash (dite (LT.lt v UInt64.size) (fun h => UInt64.ofNatCore v h) (fun _ => UInt64.ofNatCore 17 (by decide)))
Seasawher commented
Zulip: >
what is [computed_field] attribute