
Unable to enter text into auth0 webview text fields due to NSInvalidArgumentException

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone https://github.com/AnthonyDadeWT/auth0test
  2. Run cd auth0test
  3. Run flutter pub get
  4. Boot a iOS Simulator up
  5. Run flutter run and ensure the app runs successfully
  6. Run patrol test targeting your device
  7. Notice the test fails to enter text into the auth0 Email address field, the test fails and exits execution

Actual results

When attempting to enter text into the username or password field in my Auth0 sign in page, text is not being entered and my test is immediately failing and exiting execution due to a runtime exception:

2024-06-06 22:37:54.681571-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[8791:1884787] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unable to parse the format string ""'

I found it interesting, that I am able to tap on things on the sign in page, like the Forgot password button, but when trying to enter text the test is immediately failing. I have this portrayed in the comments of integration_test/auth0_test.dart.

Usually, Patrol at least attempts to look for the given Selector of the text field for a couple seconds, however I have noticed only with this auth0 sign in page, it immediately runs into this same exception each time. I have a project where we are using Okta for authentication, and it does not have the same behavior when interacting with the page using Patrol, we are able to interact with text fields on that Okta page. My project will migrate to auth0 in the future, so this is a problem I want to solve.

Here is a screenshot of what the auth0 sign in page looks like along with the native tree, showing the Email address text field I am trying to enter text into using the selector: className: "textField".

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 10 48 47 PM

I tried using multiple methods of interacting with this text field, all of which ran into the same exception.

await tester.native.tap(Selector(className: "textField"));
await tester.native.enterText(Selector(focused: true), text: "hello");
(password field instead)
await tester.native.enterText(Selector(className: "secureTextField"), text: "hello");

I have also tried passing in an appId of "com.apple.mobilesafari"

For this issue post I was using a iPhone 15 Plus on iOS 17.0.
I did notice a similar issue on Android, but failed to get auth0 working for that platform in this repo.


Verbose mode enabled. More logs will be printed.
$ flutter --suppress-analytics --no-version-check pub deps --style=list
Received test target: /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/integration_test/auth0_test.dart
Generated entrypoint /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/integration_test/test_bundle.dart for development
$ flutter --no-version-check --suppress-analytics devices --machine
Received device: iPhone 15 Plus
$ xcrun simctl listapps 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77
Received 12 --dart-define(s) (0 custom, 12 internal)
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_WAIT=0
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_APP_PACKAGE_NAME=com.example.auth0test
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_APP_BUNDLE_ID=com.example.auth0test
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_MACOS_APP_BUNDLE_ID=com.example.macos.MyApp
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_ANDROID_APP_NAME=My App
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_IOS_APP_NAME=My App
Received internal --dart-define: INTEGRATION_TEST_SHOULD_REPORT_RESULTS_TO_NATIVE=false
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_TEST_LABEL_ENABLED=true
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_HOT_RESTART=true
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_IOS_INSTALLED_APPS=["com.anonymous.testProject2","com.apple.Bridge","com.apple.DocumentsApp","com.apple.Health","com.apple.Maps","com.apple.MobileAddressBook","com.apple.MobileSMS","com.apple.Passbook","com.apple.Preferences","com.apple.PreviewShell","com.apple.freeform","com.apple.mobilecal","com.apple.mobilesafari","com.apple.mobileslideshow","com.apple.news","com.apple.reminders","com.apple.shortcuts","com.apple.webapp","com.example.myequifax.RunnerUITests.xctrunner","com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner","com.flap.flapapp.prod.xctrunner","com.flutter.testProject2","host.exp.Exponent"]
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_TEST_SERVER_PORT=8081
Received internal --dart-define: PATROL_APP_SERVER_PORT=8082
• Building app with entrypoint test_bundle.dart for iOS simulator (debug)...
$ flutter build ios --no-version-check --suppress-analytics --config-only --no-codesign --debug --simulator --target /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/integration_test/test_bundle.dart --dart-define PATROL_WAIT=0 --dart-define PATROL_APP_PACKAGE_NAME=com.example.auth0test --dart-define PATROL_APP_BUNDLE_ID=com.example.auth0test --dart-define PATROL_MACOS_APP_BUNDLE_ID=com.example.macos.MyApp --dart-define PATROL_ANDROID_APP_NAME=My App --dart-define PATROL_IOS_APP_NAME=My App --dart-define INTEGRATION_TEST_SHOULD_REPORT_RESULTS_TO_NATIVE=false --dart-define PATROL_TEST_LABEL_ENABLED=true --dart-define PATROL_HOT_RESTART=true --dart-define PATROL_IOS_INSTALLED_APPS=["com.anonymous.testProject2","com.apple.Bridge","com.apple.DocumentsApp","com.apple.Health","com.apple.Maps","com.apple.MobileAddressBook","com.apple.MobileSMS","com.apple.Passbook","com.apple.Preferences","com.apple.PreviewShell","com.apple.freeform","com.apple.mobilecal","com.apple.mobilesafari","com.apple.mobileslideshow","com.apple.news","com.apple.reminders","com.apple.shortcuts","com.apple.webapp","com.example.myequifax.RunnerUITests.xctrunner","com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner","com.flap.flapapp.prod.xctrunner","com.flutter.testProject2","host.exp.Exponent"] --dart-define PATROL_TEST_SERVER_PORT=8081 --dart-define PATROL_APP_SERVER_PORT=8082
	Building com.example.auth0test for simulator (ios)...
$ xcodebuild build-for-testing -workspace Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -destination generic/platform=iOS Simulator -quiet -derivedDataPath ../build/ios_integ OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS=$(inherited) -D PATROL_ENABLED
	/Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/ios/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj: warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 9.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 12.0 to 17.0.99. (in target 'CocoaAsyncSocket' from project 'Pods')
	note: Run script build phase 'Run Script' will be run during every build because the option to run the script phase "Based on dependency analysis" is unchecked. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
	note: Run script build phase 'Thin Binary' will be run during every build because the option to run the script phase "Based on dependency analysis" is unchecked. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
	warning: Run script build phase 'xcode_backend embed_and_thin' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'RunnerUITests' from project 'Runner')
	warning: Run script build phase 'xcode_backend build' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'RunnerUITests' from project 'Runner')
✓ Completed building app with entrypoint test_bundle.dart for iOS simulator (31.9s)
Will uninstall apps before running tests
$ xcrun simctl uninstall 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77 com.example.auth0test
$ xcrun simctl uninstall 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77 com.example.auth0test.RunnerUITests.xctrunner
• Running app with entrypoint test_bundle.dart for iOS simulator on simulator iPhone 15 Plus...
$ xcodebuild -showsdks -json
Interactive shell mode enabled.
Logs: waiting for them...
$ flutter --no-version-check --suppress-analytics logs --device-id 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77
$ flutter attach --no-version-check --suppress-analytics --debug --device-id 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77 --app-id com.example.auth0test --target /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/integration_test/test_bundle.dart --dart-define PATROL_WAIT=0 --dart-define PATROL_APP_PACKAGE_NAME=com.example.auth0test --dart-define PATROL_APP_BUNDLE_ID=com.example.auth0test --dart-define PATROL_MACOS_APP_BUNDLE_ID=com.example.macos.MyApp --dart-define PATROL_ANDROID_APP_NAME=My App --dart-define PATROL_IOS_APP_NAME=My App --dart-define INTEGRATION_TEST_SHOULD_REPORT_RESULTS_TO_NATIVE=false --dart-define PATROL_TEST_LABEL_ENABLED=true --dart-define PATROL_HOT_RESTART=true --dart-define PATROL_IOS_INSTALLED_APPS=["com.anonymous.testProject2","com.apple.Bridge","com.apple.DocumentsApp","com.apple.Health","com.apple.Maps","com.apple.MobileAddressBook","com.apple.MobileSMS","com.apple.Passbook","com.apple.Preferences","com.apple.PreviewShell","com.apple.freeform","com.apple.mobilecal","com.apple.mobilesafari","com.apple.mobileslideshow","com.apple.news","com.apple.reminders","com.apple.shortcuts","com.apple.webapp","com.example.myequifax.RunnerUITests.xctrunner","com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner","com.flap.flapapp.prod.xctrunner","com.flutter.testProject2","host.exp.Exponent"] --dart-define PATROL_TEST_SERVER_PORT=8081 --dart-define PATROL_APP_SERVER_PORT=8082
Hot Restart: waiting for attach to the app...
	: Waiting for a connection from Flutter on iPhone 15 Plus...
Assuming SDK version 17.0 for iphonesimulator
Looking for .xctestrun matching Runner_*iphonesimulator17.0*.xctestrun at /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_integ/Build/Products
Found 1 match(es), the first one will be used
Found /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_integ/Build/Products/Runner_iphonesimulator17.0-arm64-x86_64.xctestrun
$ xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_integ/Build/Products/Runner_iphonesimulator17.0-arm64-x86_64.xctestrun -only-testing RunnerUITests/RunnerUITests -destination platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Plus -destination-timeout 1 -resultBundlePath /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_results_1717727602516.xcresult
	Command line invocation:
	    /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_integ/Build/Products/Runner_iphonesimulator17.0-arm64-x86_64.xctestrun -only-testing RunnerUITests/RunnerUITests -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Plus" -destination-timeout 1 -resultBundlePath /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_results_1717727602516.xcresult
	User defaults from command line:
	    IDEBuildOperationResultBundlePath = /Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/build/ios_results_1717727602516.xcresult
	    IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
	Writing result bundle at path:
Hot Restart: logs connected
	Showing iPhone 15 Plus logs:
	2024-06-06 22:33:26.537274-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] [Default] Running tests...
	Running tests...
	2024-06-06 22:33:28.467701-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: PatrolServer constructor called
	2024-06-06 22:33:28.467843-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: PATROL_ENABLED flag is defined
	2024-06-06 22:33:28.470247-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: Starting server...
	2024-06-06 22:33:28.474131-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: Server started on
	2024-06-06 22:33:28.474388-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolAppServiceClient: created, port: 8082
	    t =      nans Checking existence of `"Allow" Button`
	    t =      nans Open com.example.auth0test
	    t =      nans     Launch com.example.auth0test
	    t =      nans         Setting up automation session
	    t =      nans         Wait for com.example.auth0test to idle
	[ERROR:flutter/shell/platform/darwin/graphics/FlutterDarwinContextMetalImpeller.mm(42)] Using the Impeller rendering backend.
	The Dart VM service is listening on
	Patrol (native): NativeAutomatorClient created, port: 8081
	Patrol (native): initialize() started
	Patrol (native): initialize() succeeded
	PatrolBinding: Register Patrol service extensions
	Patrol (native): NativeAutomatorClient created, port: 8081
	Patrol (native): NativeAutomatorClient created, port: 8081
	00:00 +0: auth0_test counter state is the same after going to home and switching apps
	Patrol (native): configure() started
	Patrol (native): configure() succeeded
	Patrol (native): tap() started
	2024-06-06 22:33:31.251067-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: tapping on view with text 'Continue' in app com.apple.springboard...
	2024-06-06 22:33:31.251893-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: waiting for existence of view with text 'Continue' in app com.apple.springboard
	    t =      nans Get all elements bound by index for: Elements matching predicate 'label == "Continue" OR title == "Continue"'
	    t =      nans Checking existence of `Any (Element at index 0)`
	    t =      nans Find the Any (Element at index 0)
	    t =      nans Tap "Continue" Button
	    t =      nans     Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
	    t =      nans     Find the "Continue" Button
	    t =      nans     Check for interrupting elements affecting "Continue" Button
	    t =      nans     Synthesize event
	    t =      nans     Wait for com.apple.springboard to idle
	2024-06-06 22:33:31.958151-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: done tapping on view with text 'Continue' in app com.apple.springboard
	2024-06-06 22:33:31.959508-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: result: ()
	Patrol (native): tap() succeeded
	: Syncing files to device iPhone 15 Plus...                           3.6s
Hot Restart: attached to the app (press "r" to restart)
	: Flutter run key commands.
	: r Hot reload. 🔥🔥🔥
	: R Hot restart.
	: h List all available interactive commands.
	: d Detach (terminate "flutter run" but leave application running).
	: c Clear the screen
	: q Quit (terminate the application on the device).
	: A Dart VM Service on iPhone 15 Plus is available at:
Patrol DevTools extension is available at
	: The Flutter DevTools debugger and profiler on iPhone 15 Plus is available at:
	Patrol (native): enterText() started
	2024-06-06 22:33:36.968264-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] PatrolServer: INFO: entering text "hello
	" into text field in app com.example.auth0test...
	2024-06-06 22:33:36.973911-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[6015:1865905] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unable to parse the format string ""'
	*** First throw call stack:
		0   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001804658a8 __exceptionPreprocess + 172
		1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000018005c09c objc_exception_throw + 56
		2   Foundation                          0x0000000180d948cc +[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:argumentArray:] + 164
		3   patrol                              0x00000001074b4dc4 $sSo11NSPredicateC6format13argumentArrayABSS_SayypGSgtcfCTO + 164
		4   patrol                              0x00000001074b4c0c $s6patrol8SelectorV22toTextFieldNSPredicateSo0F0CyF + 3548
		5   patrol                              0x00000001075581d8 $s6patrol12IOSAutomatorC9enterText_2on5inApp15dismissKeyboard11withTimeoutySS_AA8SelectorVSSSbSdSgtKFyyKcfU_Tf2nnnnnii_n + 244
		6   patrol                              0x000000010756749c $s6patrol12IOSAutomatorC9enterText_2on5inApp15dismissKeyboard11withTimeoutySS_AA8Selecto
	*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Unable to parse the format string ""'
	*** First throw call stack:
		0   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001804658a8 __exceptionPreprocess + 172
		1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000018005c09c objc_exception_throw + 56
		2   Foundation                          0x0000000180d948cc +[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:argumentArray:] + 164
		3   patrol                              0x00000001074b4dc4 $sSo11NSPredicateC6format13argumentArrayABSS_SayypGSgtcfCTO + 164
		4   patrol                              0x00000001074b4c0c $s6patrol8SelectorV22toTextFieldNSPredicateSo0F0CyF + 3548
		5   patrol                              0x00000001075581d8 $s6patrol12IOSAutomatorC9enterText_2on5inApp15dismissKeyboard11withTimeoutySS_AA8SelectorVSSSbSdSgtKFyyKcfU_Tf2nnnnnii_n + 244
		6   patrol                              0x000000010756749c $s6patrol12IOSAutomatorC9enterText_2on5inApp15dismissKeyboard11withTimeoutySS_AA8SelectorVSSSbSdSgtKFyyKcfU_Tf2nnnnnii_nTA + 80
		7   patrol                              0x0000000107567680 $s6patrol12IOSAutomatorC9runAction33_A38BC33CB40D8AB5899B3E680ED20DE4LL_5blockxSS_xyKctKlFxyKXEfU_ + 468
		8   patrol                              0x000000010756dddc $s6patrol12IOSAutomatorC9runAction33_A38BC33CB40D8AB5899B3E680ED20DE4LL_5blockxSS_xyKctKlFxyKXEfU_TA + 48
		9   libswiftDispatch.dylib              0x00000001a4785f48 $sxs5Error_pIgrzo_xsAA_pIegrzo_lTRTA + 20
		10  libswiftDispatch.dylib              0x00000001a4786360 $sxs5Error_pIgrzo_xsAA_pIegrzo_lTRTA.64 + 12
		11  libswiftDispatch.dylib              0x00000001a478396c $sSo17OS_dispatch_queueC8DispatchE11_syncHelper33_F417D752D2C4E9330E1C700411CE0C6ALL2fn7execute6rescuexyyyXEXE_xyKXExs5Error_pKXEtKlFyxyKcXEfU_yyXEfU_ + 108
		12  libswiftDispatch.dylib              0x00000001a4785ec4 $sIg_Ieg_TRTA + 20
		13  libswiftDispatch.dylib              0x00000001a4783718 $sIeg_IyB_TR + 20
		14  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180143d3c _dispatch_client_callout + 16
		15  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180153a48 _dispatch_async_and_wait_invoke + 112
		16  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180143d3c _dispatch_client_callout + 16
		17  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180152b24 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1272
		18  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000018015261c _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 40
		19  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803c61b4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12
		20  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803c08cc __CFRunLoopRun + 1936
		21  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803bfd28 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572
		22  Foundation                          0x0000000180dafa98 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 208
		23  Foundation                          0x0000000180dafcbc -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] + 60
		24  RunnerUITests                       0x00000001027e1f0c +[RunnerUITests testInvocations] + 1072
		25  XCTestCore                          0x00000001036314dc +[XCTestCase _testInvocationDescriptors] + 72
		26  XCTestCore                          0x0000000103614900 +[XCTestSuite testSuiteForTestCaseClass:] + 276
		27  XCTestCore                          0x0000000103617604 +[XCTestSuite prepareContainerSuite:toRunTestIdentifiers:] + 376
		28  XCTestCore                          0x00000001036173e4 +[XCTestSuite testClassSuitesForTestIdentifiers:skippingTestIdentifiers:randomNumberGenerator:] + 172
		29  XCTestCore                          0x0000000103616dd0 -[XCTestSuite _initWithTestConfiguration:] + 752
		30  XCTestCore                          0x0000000103617308 +[XCTestSuite testSuiteForTestConfiguration:] + 44
		31  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e1f1c __53-[XCTTestRunSession initWithTestConfiguration:error:]_block_invoke_2 + 64
		32  XCTestCore                          0x00000001036132b0 +[XCTContext _runInChildOfContext:forTestCase:markAsReportingBase:block:] + 172
		33  XCTestCore                          0x00000001036131b0 +[XCTContext runInContextForTestCase:markAsReportingBase:block:] + 100
		34  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e1eb4 __53-[XCTTestRunSession initWithTestConfiguration:error:]_block_invoke + 96
		35  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e1b40 +[XCTTestRunSession performTestSuiteConstructionInBlock:] + 56
		36  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e1d54 -[XCTTestRunSession initWithTestConfiguration:error:] + 200
		37  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e311c -[XCTTestRunSessionProvider executionExtensionWithTestConfiguration:reportingSession:completion:] + 80
		38  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e83d0 __128+[XCTExtensionProvider(XCTExecutionExtension_Internal) allExecutionExtensionsWithTestConfiguration:reportingSession:completion:]_block_invoke + 120
		39  XCTestCore                          0x0000000103626b1c __69-[NSArray(XCTestAdditions) xct_arrayByApplyingAsyncBlock:completion:]_block_invoke + 156
		40  XCTestCore                          0x0000000103626cdc __XCTAsyncEnumerate_block_invoke.18 + 52
		41  XCTestCore                          0x00000001036268cc -[NSArray(XCTestAdditions) xct_arrayByApplyingAsyncBlock:completion:] + 632
		42  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e8268 +[XCTExtensionProvider allExecutionExtensionsWithTestConfiguration:reportingSession:completion:] + 288
		43  XCTestCore                          0x000000010360f624 -[XCTestDriver _runTests] + 564
		44  XCTestCore                          0x00000001035e1080 _XCTestMain + 88
		45  RunnerUITests-Runner                0x00000001023d9b38 -[_XCTRunnerAppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] + 0
		46  RunnerUITests-Runner                0x00000001023d9ad4 _XCTRunnerRunTests + 0
		47  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803c6464 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 20
		48  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803c5bac __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 352
		49  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803c0450 __CFRunLoopRun + 788
		50  CoreFoundation                      0x00000001803bfd28 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572
		51  GraphicsServices                    0x000000018986ebc0 GSEventRunModal + 160
		52  UIKitCore                           0x000000010b5a3fdc -[UIApplication _run] + 868
		53  UIKitCore                           0x000000010b5a7c54 UIApplicationMain + 124
		54  RunnerUITests-Runner                0x00000001023d9d98 main + 160
		55  dyld                                0x0000000102545558 start_sim + 20
		56  ???                                 0x000000010261a0e0 0x0 + 4334919904
		57  ???                                 0x0758000000000000 0x0 + 529172956216033280
	libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException
	Patrol (native): enterText() failed
	══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════
	The following ClientException was thrown running a test:
	Connection closed before full header was received, uri=http://localhost:8081/enterText
	When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
	#0      IOClient.send (package:http/src/io_client.dart:156:7)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#1      BaseClient._sendUnstreamed (package:http/src/base_client.dart:93:32)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#3      NativeAutomatorClient._sendRequest (package:patrol/src/native/contracts/native_automator_client.dart:320:22)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#4      NativeAutomator._wrapRequest (package:patrol/src/native/native_automator.dart:219:22)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#5      NativeAutomator.enterText (package:patrol/src/native/native_automator.dart:602:5)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#6      main.<anonymous closure> (file:///Users/anthonydade/Documents/testEnviornment/auth0test/integration_test/auth0_test.dart:26:7)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#7      patrolTest.<anonymous closure> (package:patrol/src/common.dart:134:7)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#8      testWidgets.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_test/src/widget_tester.dart:183:15)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#9      TestWidgetsFlutterBinding._runTestBody (package:flutter_test/src/binding.dart:1017:5)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	#10     TestWidgetsFlutterBinding._createTestCompletionHandler.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_test/src/binding.dart:808:12)
	<asynchronous suspension>
	(elided one frame from dart:async)
	The test description was:
	  counter state is the same after going to home and switching apps
	00:06 +0: auth0_test counter state is the same after going to home and switching apps [E]
	  Test failed. See exception logs above.
	  The test description was: counter state is the same after going to home and switching apps
	00:06 +0 -1: Some tests failed.
	: Lost connection to device.
	Test session results, code coverage, and logs:
	Testing started
✓ App shut down on request (33.2s)
$ xcrun simctl uninstall 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77 com.example.auth0test
$ xcrun simctl uninstall 921FE819-E99C-45FC-919E-886349BC6F77 com.example.auth0test.RunnerUITests.xctrunner

Patrol version

patrol: 3.6.0

Patrol Doctor output

Patrol Doctor output
patrol doctor
Patrol doctor:
Patrol CLI version: 2.7.0
Flutter command: flutter 
  Flutter 3.19.5 • channel stable
• Program adb found in /opt/homebrew/bin/adb
• Env var $ANDROID_HOME set to /Users/anthonydade/Library/Android/sdk
iOS / macOS: 
• Program xcodebuild found in /usr/bin/xcodebuild
• Program ideviceinstaller found in /opt/homebrew/bin/ideviceinstaller

Flutter Doctor output

Flutter Doctor output
flutter doctor
Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.19.5, on macOS 14.4.1 23E224 darwin-arm64, locale
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.1)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 15.0)
[✓] Chrome - develop for the web
[✓] Android Studio (version 2022.3)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.89.1)
[✓] Connected device (4 available)
    ! Error: Browsing on the local area network for iPhone (92). Ensure the device
      is unlocked and attached with a cable or associated with the same local area
      network as this Mac.
      The device must be opted into Developer Mode to connect wirelessly. (code
    ! Error: Browsing on the local area network for Anthony’s iPhone. Ensure the
      device is unlocked and attached with a cable or associated with the same
      local area network as this Mac.
      The device must be opted into Developer Mode to connect wirelessly. (code
[✓] Network resources

• No issues found!

Hi, first of all, thanks for good repro example.

Unfortunately native offers Android-centric vocabulary and it's misleading/incorrect (read little more).

In your case, you're passing classname from Android's fields in inspector (tbh I don't know what parameter for value "textField" stands for on iOS) but in reality, in native iOS tree hierarchy class name has different value (XCUIElementTypeTextField).
In our inspector, again, it's incorrect - we should definitely fix that.

In patrol 3.6.0 we introduced native2 which offers you clear separation between Android and iOS, it should give you access to all needed parameters to easily interact with native elements.

If you don't want to switch to native2 yet, you can fix your test by either:

  1. easily using enterTextByIndex().
  2. locating text fields' name which is hint in your case:
await tester.native.enterText(Selector(text: "Email address*"),
          text: "hello", keyboardBehavior: KeyboardBehavior.alternative);
await tester.native.enterText(Selector(text: "Password*"), text: "hello");

Default keyboardBehavior presses enter after entering text so I changed that also by using alternative value.


Thank you for the quick response.

That's good information to know... I haven't really tried using native2 since I did not find it very straight forward, I guess its because the selectors shown in the inspector are different than what is shown for native2's selector options.

To clarify,

await tester.native.enterText(Selector(text: "Email address*"),
          text: "hello", keyboardBehavior: KeyboardBehavior.alternative);

Does not work because as you can see in the screenshot, the textField does not have any text value tied to it. Passing in that selector probably applies to the staticText field, which is the hint text itself, not the text field it applies to.

Using enterTextByIndex() did work for me, and seems to be a good solution to enter text into these fields.

Thank you for helping out, I think it's safe to close this issue now.

"Email address*" is also a name for XCUIElement which wraps text field - it'll work even if hint is not visible after focusing on text field.

I did try that out as copied above and it failed to find the element:

t =      nans Get all elements bound by index for: Elements matching predicate '(label == "Email address*" OR title == "Email address*" OR value == "Email address*" OR placeholderValue == "Email address*") AND (elementType == 49 OR elementType == 50)'
        2024-06-10 16:00:47.381090-0400 RunnerUITests-Runner[29940:3153877] PatrolServer: ERROR: text field with text 'Email address*' in app com.example.auth0test doesn't exist
        Patrol (native): enterText() failed
        ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════
        The following PatrolActionException was thrown running a test:
        Patrol action failed: NativeAutomatorClientException: enterText() failed with Invalid response: 400

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you are still experiencing a similar problem, please file a new issue. Make sure to follow the template and provide all the information necessary to reproduce the issue.