Producer: 'LLVM15.0.0git' Reader: 'LLVM 15.0.0git'
niansa opened this issue · 4 comments
niansa commented
Hey, I have compiled the CryptoPP library, however, when I try to link it:
/opt/cheerp/bin/clang++ es3crypt.cpp ../cryptopp/libcryptopp.a -I.. -I. -fexceptions -frtti
I get this error:
Explicit call type does not match pointee type of callee operand (Producer: 'LLVM15.0.0git' Reader: 'LLVM 15.0.0git')
Any idea or tip?
carlopi commented
I have to say I am not entirely sure.
Could you share the files (or equivalent files that reproduce the problem), so that I can take a deeper look?
carlopi commented
Hi @niansa,
could you share the repository + build instruction so that I can find what the problem might be?
carlopi commented
Closing for now, since we would need some additional feedback for understanding what might be the problem.
Feel free to reopen with instructions on how to reproduce.
Thanks a lot,