Integration with vcpkg
Baduit opened this issue · 4 comments
I use vcpkg as a package manager in most of my projects, but I did not manage to use cheerp and vcpkg at the same time.
Using this custom made vcpkg triplet
set(VCPKG_C_FLAGS --target=cheerp-wasm)
set(VCPKG_CXX_FLAGS --target=cheerp-wasm)
set(VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "C:/cheerp/share/cmake/Modules/CheerpWasmToolchain.cmake")
And by replacing all the \ in the cherp toolchain by a /
I managed to install a library, but I did not manage to actually consume the installed library
I'm not a vcpkg not a cmake expert and I don't have the time/energy right now to try to make this work, but is something that would be worked on in the future ?
Hi @Baduit,
we are not familiar with vcpkg. Is there a public repository, or a simple setup we can use to reproduce this to investigate further?
I can make a minimal example reproducing it when I have time
I finally managed to make it work. The only issue I have now is that something like
target_compile_features(my_lib INTERFACE cxx_std_17)
is not supported and a lot of libraries are using it.
Hi @Baduit,
The issue should be fixed on master: leaningtech/cheerp-utils#45