
Leaning Technologies developer site

Primary LanguageMDX

Leaning Technologies developer site

Development setup

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install pnpm
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Install dependencies: pnpm install
  5. Spawn development server: pnpm start
  6. Visit localhost:4321


Linters run automatically in this GitHub Action workflow. You can also run them locally.

Broken links

lychee is a tool that recursively checks all links on the site for 404s.

  1. Install lychee
  2. Build the site: pnpm build
  3. Preview the site in the background: pnpm preview --host &
  4. Run lychee: lychee dist src/content

You may need to set GITHUB_TOKEN to avoid issues checking links to github.com.


Vale checks style and grammar in Markdown files.

  1. Install Vale
  2. Download style rules: vale sync
  3. Check with Vale: vale .

For editor integration, use:


Prettier is a code formatter. It's shipped as a devDependency, so pnpm install will have installed it.

To format all files:

$ pnpm format

Astro diagnostics

Astro has some of its own diagnostics.

$ pnpm astro check


$ pnpm tsc