
De-indent comment block

nomeata opened this issue · 4 comments

Browsing the documentation I was a bit confused why some paragraphs are randomly indendet, e.g. “The bvar constructor…”.

My theory is that it’s because the whole doc string block is indented in the source code:

Lean expressions. This data structure is used in the kernel and
elaborator. However, expressions sent to the kernel should not
contain metavariables.

Remark: we use the `E` suffix (short for `Expr`) to avoid collision with keywords.
We considered using «...», but it is too inconvenient to use.
inductive Expr where
  The `bvar` constructor represents bound variables, i.e. occurrences
  of a variable in the expression where there is a variable binder
  above it (i.e. introduced by a `lam`, `forallE`, or `letE`).
  | bvar (deBruijnIndex : Nat)

Looking at this, I doubt that the author wanted to have the markdown interpreted as indented.

If that analysis is correct, maybe the tool should de-indent by all common whitespace?

Probably also for

  This style, which I have seen too.
def foo := …

I might be barking on the wrong hill, though.

With respect to docstring rendering I'm currently hoping that David's new doc tooling will give some clear semantics to docstrings at last that the doc-gen renderer can then just stick to. Hence I'd suggest to hold our breaths for the first release of that.

Fair enough, and the issue isn't servere.

I think this is a CSS problem...