
Chrome Ubuntu loads voices only after page refresh when tts is used on the very first page

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Close all chrome windows, and try to get voices, no voices will be loaded, onvoiceschanged never dispatches
Refresh the page -> voices load, onvoiceschanged will be dispatched.

In my case it says no voices even after reload.

@Zireael07 when you close -> then open your Chrome and open the developer console (F12) and (maybe repeatedly) enter speechSynthesis.getVoices() then do you get any results?

no, still says no voices. Tried googling but honestly there is nothing on WHY there are no voices and how to check if your OS has voices

Yeah, this is a huge problem in general. Most likely there are no voices installed on your system. You can check if things are running on OS level by this topic: https://askubuntu.com/questions/589074/what-is-speech-dispatcher