
Clarify dependency "story" and installation procedure

Opened this issue · 3 comments

At a glance, it's quite confusing currently how/what one is supposed to install in the environment to make the code in this repo work. Let's clarify that "story". Some items to fix:

  • It seems reasonable for a user to expect that installing climsim_utils (via pip install .) should give them everything they need. Currently, each of those directories has a requirements-lock.txt which @jerrylin96 has indicated is for development purposes (as a reference of a known working environment). Once development on those notebooks is complete (i.e., #21 is closed), let's try to get those notebooks to run based on only dependencies in setup.py.
  • The environment.yml in the repo root is actually just for the website. That's super confusing 😄 . Edit: Done in #30.
  • Each of the baseline_models has it's own env/. That's presumably desirable, as we would not expect the models to run with the same env as the preprocessing/evaluation code. Perhaps we can just noted in some way in the README (if that is not already done).

The environment.yml in the repo root is actually just for the website. That's super confusing 😄 .

Exactly. Therefore I suggest to move environment.yml to the website directory.

Exactly. Therefore I suggest to move environment.yml to the website directory.

💯 agree

#30 relocates environment.yml as discussed above, I will check it off the to-do list once that's merged.