
Rigel units exhibit unreliable tracking compared to older gen sensor.

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Hi, I am not sure the best place to ask this, I tried Leap Motion forums but didn't get a helpful response.

I am developing a desktop experience using Unity. I've gotten good tracking with the gen 1 sensor so far, and have tried multiple gen 2 rigel sensors but couldn't get them to track correctly. My company wants to use gen 2 sensor for the wider field of view. Here's what I am seeing:

Gen 1:
Leap Diagnostic Visualizer: accurate, consistent tracking
Unity app: accurate, mostly consistent tracking

Gen 2:
Leap Diagnostic Visualizer: inconsistent tracking (visual fingers/hands will jump to random orientation)
Unity app: highly inaccurate and inconsistent tracking

Is gen 2 sensor supposed to work with the latest published software packages?

This is my set up:
Unity 2017.4
Leap Orion 3.2.1
Leap Unity Core Assets 4.3.4
Leap Hand Module 2.1.3
Leap Interaction Engine 1.1.1
