I downloaded and installed linux bash profile and it completely changed my terminal. How do I switch back to the profile I had before?
fbagirov opened this issue · 1 comments
I downloaded and installed a bash profile in my linux command line:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flatiron-school/dotfiles/master/.bash_profile -o ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
xcode-select --install
Now it is not finding the commands and packages I've used before.
I am also learning other tools, and I need to have it restored. What is the way to "undo" the changes?
Going forward, can I create a virtual environment and install the bash profile for this class in that virtual environment?
When you run that command, it will make a back-up for you before making any changes.
To restore to that back-up, run the following commands:
rm ~/.bash_profile
mv ~/.bash_profile.bak ~/.bash_profile
Let me know if that works for you! As far as setting up a virtual environment--I'm not entirely sure, I can do some research for you, have you been able to find anything?