
Suggestions to improve this website.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I like how it is well polished. However I wish there it was more interactive, like CodeCadmey and Khan Academy.

Take a look at how it explains how to do programming

In this link, it is an interactive video, meaning that you can change code inside the video so you can experiment.

In this link I like how they give you an interactive exercise, and I wish to see that in Rust as well.

Thanks for your feedback. But, this is out of scope, especially using videos inside doc. That approach will be good for small video tutorial series but will not suitable for a language with comparatively large learning curve and new concepts. Especially because when using videos, user has to spend more time compared to docs.

However I have some plans for "After Doc"/"exercise" sections for long time, but unfortunately I am bit unstable/unable to continuously invest more time on Rust each day even I love it , due to working env and personal matters in this year. But I am pretty sure more things will be added around end of this year/ in the beginning of next year.

Won't fix! Out Of Scope!