
Incorrect decision_tree_create() impl in module-6-decision-tree-practical-assignment-blank.ipynb?

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As discussed in this thread:
.. there are some additional lines in Week 3's implementation of decision_tree_create():

    # Create a leaf node if the split is "perfect"
    if len(left_split) == len(data):
        print "Creating leaf node."
        return create_leaf(left_split[target])
    if len(right_split) == len(data):
        print "Creating leaf node."
        ## YOUR CODE HERE

As I wrote in the above-linked thread, I believe that these lines are necessary.

Should they be added to Week 4's implementation of decision_tree_create() as well?

See also: https://www.coursera.org/learn/ml-classification/week/4/discussions/jsKfcBNmEeaAVhLVpQtKaw