
Manual allocation of students in advance (prior to voting/allocation).

danmarsden opened this issue · 3 comments

After the activity and choices have been created, the teacher should have the ability to manually allocate students to specific choices and the ability to record why manual allocation has been used.

  1. New admin level setting for fair allocation that allows the site-admin to pre-configure a default list of reasons to use when a teacher is manually allocating a student. (free text box, one line per reason)

  2. New activity level setting with it's own capability that allows a teacher to modify the manual allocation reasons and add their own. The capability to edit these reasons will be given to the editing teacher role by default. (free text box, one line per reason)

  3. New interface that allows a teacher to manually allocate a student to a project and select the reason why manual allocation has been used. This action will be logged clearly so that it is easy to identify who has made the change.

  4. Improve the user interface that displays allocated users to the teacher to make it clear when manual allocation has been used and the reason why.

  5. If manual allocation has used up the available spaces in a choice, this choice will not be shown to students using self-selection.

It's possible that the same interfaces could potentially be used for re-allocation "post" voting, but that might not be part of the first version.

Hello @danmarsden,
could you split your points into multiple issues so I have smaller reviews?

Thanks @NinaHerrmann - yes we could definitely split this into 2 pull requests to make it simpler for you to review

First - a pull request that adds manual allocation of students interface.

and then a second pull request that adds the ability for the teacher to select a reason when making the manual allocation.
