
filesystem layer verification failed for digest sha256

andrewlynch opened this issue · 2 comments

My builds have started returning filesystem layer verification failed for digest sha256. Even rebuilding old images and trying to pull them is failing. Is it possible the lastest commit is breaking ?

It seems to me that this error messages are caused from pulling the images, not from building. But for me, the following commands are running fine:

 docker pull ledermann/rails-base-builder
 docker pull ledermann/rails-base-final

I use these images for my daily work in many applications without any problems. Do you have any further informations about the error?

BTW: The Builder and Final images are regularly (mostly daily) updated by dependabot, there is no image tagging yet. So if there was an issue yesterday, this can be different today.

Thanks @ledermann, dependabot updated the repo and my images are now pulling successfully again.