
Completion has stopped working for me

alerque opened this issue · 1 comments

Completion used to work great for me across at least 4 systems. Most of my projects have custom make targets to generate account and description completion lists. Hence I'm using the custom defined command option for completion.

Sometime a week or so ago it all stopped working. I didn't change anything that I know of in relation to completion, but it just says no completions found.

I've tried:

  • Using older versions of this plugin.
  • Using the plugin default, not my custom configs.

It's possible something else changed: another plugin, maybe deoplete could have updated.

This turned out to be unrelated to this plugin!

The culprit was the release of GNU Make 4.3 some weeks ago, which has some backwards incompatibilities with 4.2.x — including one that cropped up in my financial projects. Because I have alias make=remake setup in my shell I could not see the effect on my projects when run manually and it seemed like completion lists were being generated just fine, but vim was actually running plain-jane make behind the scenes, and that was throwing an error ... which was silently discarded.
