
[Polygon Mainnet] Snapshot download issue

Closed this issue · 3 comments

System information

Erigon version: 2.59.3

OS & Version: Amazon Linux 2023

Commit hash: 088fd8e

Erigon Command (with flags/config): erigon --nat=extip:<ip> --identity=<identity> --txpool.disable=true --ethash.dagdir=/home/polygon/data/erigon-ethash --bor.heimdall=http://<heimdall url>. --txpool.nolocals=true --datadir=/home/polygon/data/bor --http.addr= --http.corsdomain=* --http.api=admin,eth,net,web3,debug,engine,erigon,bor --ws --gpo.percentile=65 --rpc.batch.concurrency=100 --http.vhosts=* --rpc.batch.limit=3000 --chain=bor-mainnet

Consensus Layer: N/A

Consensus Layer Command (with flags/config): N/A

Chain/Network: bor-mainnet

Expected behaviour

To download all the snapshots and sync from scratch.

Actual behaviour

It gets stuck downloading the snapshot.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

I've simply started the node (tried at least 4 times from scratch) and it always gets stuck around ~95%. I'm not using any public snapshot (like from to start my node. I'm simply starting it in an empty disk.

Not sure if I'm missing any magical flag, this is my first try with erigon for polygon. I need a full history archival node, this is why I was willing to sync from scratch without using any pruned snapshot. On the 4 times I tried, I got the same result, before each try I was simply running rm- rf ./* and starting erigon again with the flags mentioned above.

There are no firewall rules blocking egress requests. Any recommendations to have this working?


[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.406] logging to file system                   log dir=/home/polygon/data/bor/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.406] Build info                               git_branch=HEAD git_tag=v2.59.3 git_commit=088fd8ef69389a72da6faa0fc7903a4ba5726911
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.406] Starting Erigon on Bor Mainnet...
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.408] Maximum peer count                       ETH=100 total=100
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.408] starting HTTP APIs                       port=8545 APIs=admin,eth,net,web3,debug,engine,erigon,bor
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.409] torrent verbosity                        level=WRN
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.409] [torrent] Public IP                      ip=<>
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.410] Set global gas cap                       cap=50000000
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.413] [Downloader] Running with                ipv6-enabled=true ipv4-enabled=true download.rate=3000mb upload.rate=4mb
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.413] Opening Database                         label=chaindata path=/home/polygon/data/bor/chaindata
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.414] [db] open                                lable=chaindata sizeLimit=12TB pageSize=8192
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.417] Re-Opening DB in exclusive mode to apply migrations
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.418] [db] open                                lable=chaindata sizeLimit=12TB pageSize=8192
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.419] Apply migration                          name=db_schema_version5
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.420] Applied migration                        name=db_schema_version5
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.420] Apply migration                          name=txs_begin_end
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.422] Applied migration                        name=txs_begin_end
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.422] Apply migration                          name=txs_v3
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.422] Applied migration                        name=txs_v3
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.422] Apply migration                          name=prohibit_new_downloads_lock
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.423] Applied migration                        name=prohibit_new_downloads_lock
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.424] Updated DB schema to                     version=6.1.0
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.425] [db] open                                lable=chaindata sizeLimit=12TB pageSize=8192
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.433] Writing custom genesis block             hash=0xa9c28ce2141b56c474f1dc504bee9b01eb1bd7d1a507580d5519d4437a97de1b
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.435] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 137, Homestead: 0, DAO: <nil>, Tangerine Whistle: 0, Spurious Dragon: 0, Byzantium: 0, Constantinople: 0, Petersburg: 0, Istanbul: 3395000, Muir Glacier: 3395000, Berlin: 14750000, London: 23850000, Arrow Glacier: <nil>, Gray Glacier: <nil>, Terminal Total Difficulty: <nil>, Merge Netsplit: <nil>, Shanghai: <nil>, Cancun: <nil>, Prague: <nil>, Osaka: <nil>, Engine: bor, NoPruneContracts: map[]}" genesis=0xa9c28ce2141b56c474f1dc504bee9b01eb1bd7d1a507580d5519d4437a97de1b
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.444] Initialising Ethereum protocol           network=137
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.444] Opening Database                         label=bor path=/home/polygon/data/bor/bor
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.451] Starting private RPC server              on=
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.451] new subscription to logs established
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.451] rpc filters: subscribing to Erigon events
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.453] new subscription to newHeaders established
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.454] JsonRpc endpoint opened                  ws=true ws.compression=true grpc=false websocket.url=[::]:8546 http.url=[::]:8545
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.463] [1/15 Snapshots] Requesting downloads
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.465] Started P2P networking                   version=67 self=enode://<enode>@<ip>:30304 name=<name>/v2.59.3-088fd8ef/linux-arm64/go1.22.0
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.466] Started P2P networking                   version=68 self=enode://<enode>@<ip>:30303 name=<name>/v2.59.3-088fd8ef/linux-arm64/go1.22.0
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:35.879] [snapshots] no metadata yet              files=562 list=v1-005000-005500-transactions.seg,v1-044500-045000-bodies.seg,v1-052800-052900-bodies.seg,v1-012000-012500-headers.seg,v1-036500-037000-headers.seg,...
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:55.502] [snapshots] no progress yet              files=151 list=v1-025500-026000-transactions.seg,v1-045500-046000-borspans.seg,v1-029000-029500-borspans.seg,v1-042000-042500-transactions.seg,v1-017500-018000-borspans.seg,...
[INFO] [05-03|23:09:55.879] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="0.04% 416.8MB/905.3GB" time-left=13hrs:20m total-time=20s download=19.3MB/s upload=0B/s peers=4 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=9 alloc=518.0MB sys=1.0GB
[INFO] [05-03|23:10:15.499] [snapshots] no progress yet              files=143 list=v1-034500-035000-bodies.seg,v1-051500-051600-headers.seg,v1-042500-043000-borspans.seg,v1-032500-033000-borspans.seg,v1-003500-004000-borevents.seg,...
[INFO] [05-03|23:10:15.879] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="0.12% 1.1GB/905.3GB" time-left=7hrs:8m total-time=40s download=36.0MB/s upload=0B/s peers=5 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=40 alloc=647.7MB sys=1.1GB
[INFO] [05-03|23:10:35.529] [snapshots] no progress yet
[INFO] [05-04|12:06:55.880] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="95.40% 863.7GB/905.3GB" time-left=999hrs:99m total-time=12h57m20s download=0B/s upload=0B/s peers=56 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=95 alloc=865.0MB sys=2.1GB
[INFO] [05-04|12:07:15.532] [snapshots] no progress yet              files=6 list=v1-051000-051100-transactions.seg,v1-043500-044000-transactions.seg,v1-052400-052500-transactions.seg,v1-051700-051800-headers.seg,v1-052700-052800-bodies.seg,...
[INFO] [05-04|12:07:15.880] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="95.40% 863.7GB/905.3GB" time-left=999hrs:99m total-time=12h57m40s download=0B/s upload=0B/s peers=56 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=95 alloc=950.0MB sys=2.1GB
[INFO] [05-04|12:07:35.529] [snapshots] no progress yet              files=6 list=v1-051000-051100-transactions.seg,v1-043500-044000-transactions.seg,v1-052400-052500-transactions.seg,v1-051700-051800-headers.seg,v1-052700-052800-bodies.seg,...
[INFO] [05-04|12:07:35.880] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="95.40% 863.7GB/905.3GB" time-left=999hrs:99m total-time=12h58m0s download=0B/s upload=0B/s peers=57 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=95 alloc=1.0GB sys=2.1GB
[INFO] [05-04|12:07:55.531] [snapshots] no progress yet              files=6 list=v1-053100-053200-headers.seg,v1-051000-051100-transactions.seg,v1-043500-044000-transactions.seg,v1-052400-052500-transactions.seg,v1-051700-051800-headers.seg,...
[INFO] [05-04|12:07:55.880] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="95.40% 863.7GB/905.3GB" time-left=999hrs:99m total-time=12h58m20s download=0B/s upload=0B/s peers=58 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=95 alloc=1.1GB sys=2.1GB

And then it gets stuck repeating these same lines over and over again, never downloading these last files.

I've decided to try a 5th time, and this time it managed to progress farther, but still got stuck at some point.

[INFO] [05-04|13:30:53.087] [1/15 Snapshots] download                progress="99.90% 906.7GB/905.3GB" time-left=999hrs:99m total-time=48m20s download=0B/s upload=0B/s peers=19 files=562 metadata=562/562 connections=36 alloc=626.1MB sys=2.5GB
[polygon@bor-erigon-0 data]$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/nvme1n1     10T  906G  9.1T   9% /home/polygon/data
[polygon@bor-erigon-0 data]$ du -h bor/snapshots/
4.0K	bor/snapshots/accessor
4.0K	bor/snapshots/idx
4.0K	bor/snapshots/domain
4.0K	bor/snapshots/history
906G	bor/snapshots/

Try start once with —downloader.verify flag

Before using the -downloader.verify I decided to give one last try. And in this one last try I also downgraded go from 1.22.0 to 1.21.9. I believe this was just a coincidence, but this time it managed to finish downloading the whole thing and progressed to the [1/15 Snapshots] Indexing step. I'm closing this one, coincidence or not, the 9th try was a charm.