
bor-mainnet: blocks retire "checkpoint not found" error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

go run ./cmd/erigon snapshots retire --datadir=/mnt/erigon/ --pprof --log.console.verbosity=5

INFO[05-14|07:03:21.760] logging to file system                   log dir=/home/erigon/.local/share/erigon/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[05-14|07:03:21.761] logging to file system                   log dir=/mnt/erigon/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[05-14|07:03:21.761] Starting pprof server                    cpu="go tool pprof -lines -http=:" heap="go tool pprof -lines -http=:"
INFO[05-14|07:03:21.770] [db] open                                label=chaindata sizeLimit=7TB pageSize=8192
INFO[05-14|07:03:33.320] [snapshots:open] Stat                    blocks=56501k indices=56501k alloc=3.5GB sys=3.7GB
INFO[05-14|07:03:33.512] [snapshots:bor:open] Stat                blocks=54600k indices=54600k alloc=3.6GB sys=3.7GB
INFO[05-14|07:04:39.378] [snapshots] History Stat                 blocks=0k txs=4053m txNum2blockNum="2048=0K,2560=0K,2592=0K,2594=0K" first_history_idx_in_db=0 last_comitment_block=0 last_comitment_tx_num=4053125000 alloc=12.9GB sys=13.3GB
INFO[05-14|07:04:39.381] Params                                   from=0 to=0 every=1000
DBUG[05-14|07:04:39.529] [snapshots] Prune Blocks                 to=56501000 limit=100
DBUG[05-14|07:04:39.530] [snapshots] Prune Bor Blocks             to=54600000 limit=100
INFO[05-14|07:04:39.602] Done
54600000: checkpoint not found


[05-17|04:23:56.333] Staged Sync                              err="[1/15 Snapshots] 56340000: checkpoint not found, stack=[checkpoint.go:164 accessors_chain.go:1151 block_writer.go:125 block_snapshots.go:1385 stage_snapshots.go:503 default_stages.go:44 sync.go:603 sync.go:455 stageloop.go:132 stageloop.go:151 stageloop.go:70 asm_amd64.s:1695]"

so, we need somehow pass bor.waypoints to blockWriter.PruneBorBlocks

I ask kindly if this can be prioritized after the snapshot downloader. this one looks quite like a big bug and is probably the biggest roadblock before E3 alpha aside from the cursed snapshot bug