
Create rockspec and publish

saucisson opened this issue · 3 comments

This project is missing a rockspec file, and a luarocks upload. Can you please create one?

The rockspec in branch master does not include all lua files. It could be:

package = "lua-resty-qless"
version = "master-1"
source  = {
  url = "git://github.com/pintsized/lua-resty-qless"

description = {
  summary    = "Lua binding to Qless (Queue / Pipeline management) for OpenResty",
  detailed   = [[
    lua-resty-qless is a binding to qless-core from Moz - a powerful Redis
    based job queueing system inspired by resque, but instead implemented as
    a collection of Lua scripts for Redis.
    This binding provides a full implementation of Qless via Lua script running
    in OpenResty / lua-nginx-module, including workers which can be started
    during the init_worker_by_lua phase.
    Essentially, with this module and a modern Redis instance, you can turn
    your OpenResty server into a quite sophisticated yet lightweight job
    queuing system, which is also compatible with the reference Ruby
    implementation, Qless.
    Note: This module is not designed to work in a pure Lua environment.
  homepage   = "https://github.com/pintsized/lua-resty-qless",
  license    = "2-clause BSD",
  maintainer = "James Hurst <james@pintsized.co.uk>",

dependencies = {
  "lua >= 5.1",

local modules = {
local files = {}
for i = 1, #modules do
  local module = modules [i]
  files [module] = "lib/" .. module:gsub ("%.", "/") .. ".lua"

build = {
  type    = "builtin",
  modules = files,

Thanks for this, have updated the rockspec and published: https://luarocks.org/modules/pintsized/lua-resty-qless

Since I'm not using luarocks, are you able to test it out?

It works as expected, thank you.